Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms are flooded with ‘Save Lakshadweep’ posts after the new policies were introduced. 

Recently, Lakshadweep Administrator Praful Khoda Patel introduced newly reformed policies in the Union Territory. The policies introduced by the new administrator, who is also a leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP,) are being opposed by the people of the UT. They said, the new policies are anti people policies and are a threat to the culture of Lakshadweep.

People also questioned the eligibility of Mr. Praful Khoda Patel to be the administrator of Lakshadweep. As per guidelines, only a civil servant could be the administrator of the island. However, after the demise of the former Lakshadweep Administrator Dinesh Sharma in December 2020, Praful Khoda Patel was appointed as the new administrator on the 5th December 2020.

Later, in January, 2021 Mr. Patel, who was the former Home Minister in Gujarat, took over the office and brought some new laws.

What are the newly introduced policies?

The contentious regulations include the Draft Lakshadweep Development Authority Regulation 2021 (LDAR.) The new policy gives the administrator powers to remove or relocate islanders from their property, for town planning or any developmental activity.

The Prevention of Anti Social Activities Act (PASA,) under which a person can be detained without any public disclosure for a period of up to one year and the draft panchayat notification, where a member with more than two children is disqualified from being a member.

Other problematic policies introduced by the new Administrator of Lakshadweep are:

Altering and easing norms and standard of operation (SOPs) for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) leading to the Wuhan virus case surge. It is to be noted, until January, there were no cases of COVID-19 in Lakshadweep, but after alterations in the COVID-19 norms the island now has 2200 positive cases.

Ban on the slaughter, transportation, buying and selling of beef products.

Lifting the ban on alcohol consumption.

Demolishing the sheds where fishermen stored nets and other equipment citing violation of the Coast Guard Act.

A new Goonda Act.

Mandating the use of Mangalore port instead of the Beypore port for freight transit.

Termination of casual and contractual labourers’ jobs in government.

Soon after the new reforms were introduced, people launched the Save Lakshadweep campaign. Celebrities, politicians and netizens also extended their support and trended the #SaveLakshadweepCampaign.

In addition, Rahul Gandhi, the former President of the Indian National Congress (INC,) wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and urged to intervene in the matter. In the letter, Rahul Gandhi said, “However, their future is threatened by the anti people policies announced by the administrator of Lakshadweep, Shri. Praful Khoda Patel. The administrator has unilaterally proposed sweeping changes without duly consulting elected representatives or the public.”

He also urged the Central Government to roll back the order of appointing Praful Khoda Patel.

PM Modi is yet to respond to the letter.

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