After witnessing the Indian National Congress (INC) leading to a victorious path, the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) President also expressed happiness.

Mr. A. Revanth Reddy, the TPCC President said, soon Telangana would also witness a moment like Karnataka and would win in the Telangana Assembly elections.  Notably, in Karnataka, the Indian National Congress saw a historic win, as it is leading in approximately 117 constituencies, in Karnataka State Assembly elections.  This is the first time since 2008, that the INC is leading in majority of seats and is planning for a sweep majority victory against the Bharatiya Janata Party.

Reacting to the win of the INC in Karnataka, Mr. A. Revanth Reddy said, “Tomorrow it will be in Telangana, and subsequently the Congress flag will be hoisted on the Red Fort.”

Showing confidence in the Indian National Congress, Mr. A. Revanth Reddy said, “This verdict will bring a tsunami in the country to change its politics.”

Revanth Reddy also remarked that the voters rejected Prime Minister Narendra Modi by defeating his BJP and also rejected Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao by rejecting the Janata Dal-Secular. He alleged that by backing the JD-S, KCR was looking to politically benefit from political instability in Karnataka.

Notably, the counting of votes in Karnataka is underway.

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