Mr. Bhagwant Singh Mann, the Chief Minister of Punjab, visited Siddipet district and inspected Kondapochamma Sagar in Gajwel Constituency,Telangana.

During the visit, on the 16th of February, Mr. Bhagwant Singh Mann met with the officials at the Gajwel constituency and was explained the details of the project.  The Telangana Government officials said that Kondapochamma Sagar is located at a height of 618 meters from Kaleswaram and the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) led Telangana Government has built this reservoir with a capacity of 15 TMC.

The officials further explained that it the project would provide irrigation to 2,85,280 acres.

Later, CM Bhagwant Singh Mann is schedule to visit Kondapochamma Sagar Pump House and Mallanna Sagar Project in Thoguta.  After learning about the development of irrigation projects in the state, the Punjab chief minister is inspecting Mallannasagar, Kondapochamma Sagar, Gajvel Pandavula pond and Narsannapet check dams which are part of the Kaleshwaram project.

The Punjab Chief Minister would late return to Hyderabad and is expected to hold a meeting with the Chief Minister of Telangana, Mr. K. Chandrashekar Rao.

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