In the ongoing issue regarding the privatization of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP,) Mr. Pawan Kalyan, the President of the JanaSena Chief shared his views.

On the 13th of April, Thursday, Mr. Pawan Kalyan expressed his opinion that Visakhapatnam Steel Plant should remain under the control of the Central Government.   The statement of Mr. Pawan Kalyan came after the Union Minister for State Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste said, the Central Government is not moving ahead with the privatization, but would strengthen the steel plant.

Reacting to the comments of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Union Minister Mr. Faggan Singh Kulaste, Mr. Pawan Kalyan said, Union Minister’s announcement was optimistic and criticized the state government for not having the sincerity to save Visakhapatnam steel. 

Pawan released an open letter on this saying that the Visakha Steel is an industry associated with the emotions of Telugu people with 32 lives sacrificed.   He further mentioned that he has informed the Union Home Minister Mr. Amit Shah about the emotional connection of the Telugu people with Visakhapatnam steel and asked him to look at this industry separately. 

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