Delhi: Narasapuram MP K Ragu Rama Krishna Raju predicted that transfer of votes between Telugu Desam and Janasena is very easy. He said that people wished for the alliance and there is no doubt about vote transfer.

He addressed the media at Delhi on Sunday. Raghu Rama said that people of AP wanted Janasen and TDP to work together wishing prosperity of AP. Jagan wanted to break it and failed to do so.

Narasapur MP also said that Saakshi paper is trying hard to disturb the alliance. “Sakshi published Harirama Jogiah’s letter on page-1 and it shows their conspiracy” Raghu added.

Janasena- TDP alliance cannot be broken as both Naidu and Pawan are committed for the interest of state, RRR further said.

Commenting about ‘Siddham’ public meeting Raghu Rama said that 60 percent of the seats were empty. Placing caricatures of opposition leaders in his meeting shows his psychic nature of Jagan, he alleged.