Vijayawada: Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of India (MEFCI) confirmed the illegal sand mining across Andhra Pradesh and submitted a detailed report to the National Green Tribunal (NGT). The center clearly explained the violations in the sand mining in the state and opined that the agencies are liable for severe punishment.

The MEFCI in its report stated that entire sand mining activity in the state is illegal . Huge machinery is used to mine the sand in the river bed, which is a clear violation of NGT guidelines. 

The NGT directed the district collectors to give  detailed reports on the status of sand mining in their limits. Almost all district collectors gave a report stating that no illegal sand mining is happening at their limits. The MEFCI said that it was shocked to see the reports submitted by collectors. The ministry said that all collectors gave wrong reports. 

The MEFCI said that around 2,000 metric tonnes of sand is looted from each illegal sand mine per day and government functionaries are playing a spectator role. 

The NGT had decided to submit the report to the supreme court of India seeking appropriate guidance.