Mr. Nara Lokesh, the Working President of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) entered the 66th day of the Yuva Galam Padayatra, on the 10th of April, Monday.

The yatra launched against the ruling Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) Government and is scheduled to enter Anantapur district. 

The people are flocking to Yuva Galam Padayatra in Singanamala Constituency. The padayatra started from Bodanampally under the Singanamala constituency on Monday morning and Lokesh met many social groups in Sodanapally.

Thousands of TDP leaders, activists, and people participated in large numbers and took selfies with Lokesh. A large number of women and elderly people meet Lokesh in Padayatra. Nara Lokesh has held a special meeting with the Garla community in Balakancheruvu village.

The people belonging to the Yadava community have expressed their problems to Lokesh. It was brought to Lokesh’s attention that a Yadava building should be built in the Singanamala constituency and urged to give priority to the Yadava community.

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