Bollywood star and critic Mr. Kamal Rashid Khan, popularly known as KRK has been sent for 14 days of judicial custody.

On the 30th of August, the Borivali Court sent Mr. Kamal Rashid Khan the judicial custody, hours after he was arrested at the Mumbai Airport.  Notably, on the night of the 29th of August, Mr. Kamal Rashid Khan was arrested by the Malad Police, in regard to a case registered against him over a controversial tweet, posted in 2020.  The tweet, which has not yet been revealed by the Malad Police was said to be a derogatory remark against late actors Irfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor.   

The case was lodged on the basis of a complaint by Yuva Sena leader Rahul Kanal on the 30th of April 2020.  In the complaint, Rahul Kanal  alleged that KRK’s tweets on the late actors allegedly spread “hatred.”

Notably, the details about the tweet is not revealed by the Malad Police.

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