The Telugu State of Telangana is witnessing a rise in the number of suicide cases.  After the suicide of a medical student, another such suicide incident was reported when a man jumped off from Balanagar bridge, Hyderabad.

Identified as Ashok (35,) a welding worker, under the influence of alcohol jumped from the bridge and died.  Notably, this was not the first time Ashok committed suicide.  Earlier also, he made several attempts to end his life, but fortunately was saved by friends and relatives.

Getting into the details,  Ashok is an alcoholic who was struggling with his work and had a habit of borrowing money from people including his wife and her relatives.  He usually needed money to fulfill his drinking habits and started threatening suicide if his demands for money were not met.

The body of Ashok was recovered from the bridge and has been shifted to Gandhi Hospital for postmortem.  Furthermore, a case has been registered and an investigation has been launched.

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