Mangalagiri: On Sunday, police conducted searches on the convoy vehicles of TDP general secretary ,Nara Lokesh at Krishna Karakatta. This marked the fourth instance of police searches on Lokesh’s vehicles in recent days.

In a notable development, Lokesh’s convoy underwent two rounds of searches on Sunday alone. It raises questions from the TDP leader regarding the frequency of such inspections.

Expressing his concerns, Lokesh queried the police officials regarding the rationale behind the repeated searches on his vehicles. He sought clarification on whether the police had received any specific information warranting such scrutiny of TDP leaders’ vehicles.

In response, police officials cited the enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) as the basis for their actions. They asserted that all vehicles were being subjected to routine checks as part of compliance measures.

Following the searches, which yielded no incriminating findings, the police granted permission for Lokesh’s convoy to proceed unhindered.