Mr. Konijeti Rosaiah, the former Chief Minister of Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh (A.P.,) passed away on the 4th of December.

Mr. Konijeti Rosaiah, 88 years old, took his last breath around 8:00 A.M., in Hyderabad, Telangana.  He was admitted to a private hospital after his pulse rate dropped today morning, the 4th of December. He died while on his way to the hospital, where doctors declared him dead. 

Speaking about his political career, Konijeti Rosiah was the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh (2000-2010.)  He also served as the Governor of Karnataka and the Governor of Tamil Nadu.  He left active politics and kept himself away from politics for the last few years.   

The last rites of Mr. Konijeti Rosaiah is scheduled to be held on the 5th of December at his native place in Dharam Kharan Road.

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