On the 29th of January, a low intensity blast occurred near the Israel Embassy in New Delhi. 

The blast which coincidentally, happened on the anniversary of India and Israel establishing a relationship, is suspected to be a planned terror attack. On the 29th of January 1992, India and Israel established full diplomatic relationships.

The incident took place near the Israel embassy around 5:00 P.M., on the 29th of January. Though no casualties or injuries were reported, window panes of cars and other infrastructure were damaged.

In regard to the incident, the Delhi Police registered a first information report (FIR) under the Explosives Act and started an investigation.

The Delhi Police Special Cell and intelligence agencies, accompanied by bomb disposal and sniffer dog squads, rushed to the spot and cordoned off the area.

According to the initial investigation, the bomb was wrapped in a plastic/polythene and thrown towards the footpath from a moving car, probably a bike.

The bomb fell on the grass and exploded, leading to chaos and panic.

The police said the bomb could have been a crude Improvised Explosive Device.

However, they later handed over the case to the anti terror unit. Moving further with the investigation, the team is waiting for the forensic report on the kind of explosive used in the blast.

Investigators have recovered an envelope from the spot, text written on it is related to Israel Embassy officials.

Investigators are looking into whether it is linked to the incident or not.

Meanwhile the Indian Ambassador in Israel has assured the Government of Israel that Indian Government is taking all the necessary actions following the blast near Delhi’s Israeli Embassy.

Ambassador of India Sanjeev Singla called Israel Foreign Ministry Director General Alan Ushapiz and said, “The Indian government will do everything to protect Israel’s ambassador and officials in India.”

External Affairs Minister of India Mr. Jaishankar said, “Spoke just now to Israeli FM Gabi Ashkenazi about explosion outside Israeli Embassy. We take this very seriously. Assured him of the fullest protection for the Embassy & Israeli diplomats. Matter is under investigation & no effort will be spared to find culprits.”

The team is checking CCTV footage around the spot and adjoining areas were also being scanned.

Immigration and airport officials were also alerted to keep an eye on all international passengers scheduled to fly out in the next 48-72 hours.

A senior officer of the embassy said, “The suspects may have carried out a recce. So we are scanning CCTV footage of the last couple of days. All nearby hotels are being checked.”

The investigation related to the blast is underway.

Stay tuned for further updates

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