The Indian Meteorological Department issued a rain alert in the coastal region of Andhra Pradesh, for the next two days, till the 5th of October, Wednesday.

The IMD said the surface periodicity continues in the West Central Bay of Bengal and Northeast Bay of Bengal adjacent to north Coastal Andhra, causing rain like situations.  Getting into details, the weather department said that the surface circulation over Northeast Bay of Bengal would merge with the circulation over West Central Bay of Bengal on Monday, the 3rd of October.  This would result in thunder and lightning showers at many places in Coastal Andhra Pradesh for the next few days.

Notably, the Telugu State of Andhra Pradesh is witnessing heavy to moderate rainfall since the evening of the 2nd of October, which is expected to intensify, with thunder and lightning.

The concerned authority alerted people and fishermen in the low lying areas, to be cautious and avoid venturing out in the rain near coastal areas in Rayalaseema and Coastal Andhra Pradesh.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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