Twitter-owner Elon Musk has announced that “” now directs to “” and “interim X logo” will go “live later today.” “Not sure what subtle clues gave it way, but I like the letter X,” he said in a tweet.

On Sunday, he also kicked off a poll asking users if he should change the default platform colour to black. Currently, black colour leads the poll with 74.8 per cent of votes, while white colour only got 25.2 per cent of votes. When technology influencer Marques Brownlee tweeted, “I’m still gonna call it Twitter”, Musk replied: “Not for long.”

In response to a user’s query about what will be Twitter-owner’s new title instead of ‘Chief Twit’, Musk replied: “Chief Nothing Officer.” When another user asked if users will now be called “Xers”, the tech billionaire said: “We will have no name.”

The Twitter-owner also confirmed that once the platform changes its name, a tweet will be called “an X”.

On Sunday, Musk had said that “soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds”. He then posted a video highlighting the ‘X’ logo. In April, the Twitter-owner had replaced the blue bird homepage logo with the “Doge” meme. In a tweet then , he had said “as promised” and attached a screenshot of his tweet conversation of last year with a user in which they had asked him to buy Twitter and change the bird logo to a doge.

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