Anantapur is said to be in a vulnerable situation after the regular visits of foreigners to the district, especially, in light of the pandemic, the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

The district is said to be a sensitive area and could get easily in contact with the virus due to the frequent visits of foreigners from Spain to the campus of the Rural Development Trust (RDT.)  RTD is a well known non governmental organisation (NGO) supported by sponsors from Spain. A few sponsors and volunteers visited the district from Spain and worked at the ground level supervising charity works for the COVID-19.

Besides this, Kia Automobiles also has South Koreans working at the plant established in Anantapur district.  Though the Kia Motors officials took precautions to curb the spread of COVID-19, the district is said to be in a vulnerable situation, especially when the State reported 3 positive cases of Coronavirus.

The people of Andhra Pradesh including Anantapur are advised to be careful and visit the nearest medical centre if they notice any symptoms of the deadly virus.  According to the World Health Organisation (WHO,) if a person is having chills, cold, dry cough, breathing issues, fever, headache and body aches, he or she should immediately get their COVID-19 tests done.

Meanwhile globally, the Novel Coronavirus infected nearly 2 lakh people and killed 9,000 approx.

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