Mr. N.V. Ramana, the Chief Justice of India, on the 9th of June, Thursday, inaugurated a separate district court for red sanders smuggling cases. The new court would begin functioning soon after launch, from June 9.

The Supreme Court Chief Justice Ramana launched the special court at TUDA Complex located beside the ESI Hospital in Tirupati.

Furthermore, this will be the first court in the State to deal with red sanders smuggling cases which would help in the quick clearance of cases.

The rise in red sanders smuggling cases is contributing to the rise in pending cases and this has prompted the State government to set up a separate court to deal with red sanders smuggling cases. Accordingly, a Judicial Magistrate of First Class Court and a District Court have been sanctioned to deal with red sanders smuggling cases in which District Court comes to function.

It may be noted here that the red sander trees are widespread in the Seshachalam forest. Despite government efforts to contain the red logs smuggling and bringing about an amendment to the Forest Act of 2016, the illegal smuggling of red sanders logs was continuing. Against this backdrop, the government has decided to reduce pendency in cases and ensure their speedy disposal.

The Red Sanders Anti Smuggling Task Force (RSASTF) SP Meda Sundar Rao said the district court for offenses will help in reducing ng pendency of the cases of red sanders smuggling. He also informed that the pending cases in regular courts have gone up and it became a burden to the regular courts in resolving them and also added that it will take at least two years to resolve a red sanders case in a regular court.

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