In Andhra Pradesh, a shocking murder case was reported on the late night of the 4th of December, Sunday. 

In the incident, the Andhra Pradesh Police found the body parts of a woman cut into several pieces and dumped into a drum in a rented house in Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam region.  The police found the body and suspect it to be a year old.  The incident came to the light after the owner of the rented house entered the house, which was locked to clear the belongings of the tenants, as the rent was pending for a long time. When he broke the doors and entered the room, the owner found the body of the woman in a drum.  

The State Police expressed shock over the incident, which is said to be similar to the recently reported Aaftab Poonawala Delhi Murder Case.  In Delhi’s Chhhatarpur region, Aaftab allegedly murdered his live in girlfriend Shradha Walkar.  He cut her body into 35 pieces and dumped all across Delhi.  The murder took place in June, whereas the matter came into light recently in November. 

Ch. Shrikanth, the Commissioner of Police of Visakhapatnam said, “The said case has come to light from Maduravada of Visakhapatnam today when the owner of the house forcefully entered the house to clear the belongings present in the house.  In June 2021, the tenant vacated the house without clearing the dues, citing wife’s pregnancy.  But it is said that he had come to the house through the back door once after, but yet hadn’t paid the owner. After waiting for over one year, the owner today forcefully entered the house to clear the belongings of the tenant when in a drum body parts of a woman has been recovered.”

Furthermore, after initial investigation, the Visakhapatnam Police said, the initial evidence shows that the body was cut into pieces a year ago, which was discovered now.   The Police said, “We’re suspecting that it could be his wife.  The (house) owner has given a complaint, based on which a case has been registered.”

This is a developing story, details about the victim and other information are yet to be known.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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