In Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam district, a tragic incident occurred when a volunteer murdered an elderly woman.

Getting into details, a village volunteer identified as Venkatesh reportedly murdered a 73 year old woman and escaped with her gold ornaments.  The incident occurred on the 30th of July, Sunday, around 10:30 P.M.  The victim was identified as Varalakshmi, who was alone at the time of the incident.

Venkatesh allegedly killed the victim by pressing a pillow over her face, with an agenda of stealing gold ornaments and expensive belongings of the woman.  After committing the crime, Venkatesh fled the spot.  The police were informed hours later, when the locals found the victim’s body and informed the police.

As of now, the Pendurthi Police and clues team are at the scene, gathering evidence and launched an investigation to nab the accused.

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