Mr. K.S. Jawahar Reddy, the Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh, directed the Transport Department officials to ensure that all types of vehicles in the State have high security number plates. 

On the 12th of January, Thursday, Mr. K.S. Jawahar Reddy held a meeting with the Road Safety Fund Executive Committee and reviewed road safety and situations of security.  During the meeting, held at the State Secretariat, the State Chief Secretary said, every vehicle, including old ones, should have high security number plates within a specified period. 

Mr. K.S. Jawahar Reddy said that measures have been taken to ensure that all transport, rental vehicles, buses, tractors and trucks in the state are mandatorily affixed with radium tape to avoid accidents. 

Furthermore, the transport and police departments have been ordered to compulsorily install CCTV cameras at all major intersections where accidents are more likely to happen.

Furthermore, during the meeting, the Road Safety Executive committee approved the proposals for the automation of driving test tracks civil works in Visakhapatnam, NTR and Nellore districts. In addition, the committee also approved the development of these tracks in some districts. 

The decision to make some changes in the road safety and security number plate for vehicles was taken to combat road accidents and unfortunate incidents.

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