The Andhra Pradesh Assembly budget session 2023-2024 is scheduled to begin from Tuesday, the 14th of March.

The budget meetings would begin with the State Governor Mr. Abdul Nazeer’s speech.  The newly appointed Governor would attend the Andhra Pradesh Budget Session, for the first time after his appointment recently.

Mr. Abdul Nazeer, the Governor of Andhra Pradesh, would address the Assembly sesion at 10:00 A.M., with which the Budget Session would begin.

Later, the legislative assembly and council would be adjourned. The BAC (Business Advisory Committee) meeting would be held under the chairmanship of Speaker Tammineni Sitaram to discuss the topics to be discussed and the date of presentation of the state budget and the number of days the sessions are to be held. 

The official sources said that the state government intends to hold meetings from the 14th to the 24th of March, confirmed sources.

The crucial 2023-24 annual budget will be presented by Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath of Rs. 2.60 lakh on the 17th of March.

Along with welfare, the government is making efforts to design the budget in such a way as to give priority to the agriculture, education, and medical sectors.  Furthermore, Mr. Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is likely to make announcement in the Assembly on key issues, especially on three capitals, welfare, and Vizag Global Summit important issues along with the four-year rule.

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