The vaccination drive against the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) for children between 12 year old to 14 year old, rolled out from the 16th of March, across India.

To this extent, the Andhra Pradesh Health Department also started the drive at government hospitals in the State.  According to the officials, the vaccine for children, Corbevax, would be available in all government institutions.  Approximately 14.90 lakh children are eligible to take the COVID-19 vaccine in the State, for free.  The two doses of Corbevax would be given with a  gap duration of 28 days.

Furthermore, the registration of the vaccine slots would be similar to previous registrations on the CoWIN portal. 

The Director of Public Health Dr. Hymavati said that all the children born between March 15, 2008, and March 15, 2010, are now eligible for the vaccination.  Registration can be done at the vaccination centers in government hospitals. 

Meanwhile, as of now, Andhra Pradesh Health Department has a total of 15.21 lakh doses of vaccine.

With this, the Indian Government has permitted vaccination against the Wuhan virus, for citizens 12 years old and above.  In 2020, the vaccination for 18 years and above were announced, following which in next year, 2021, the vaccination was rolled out for children between 15 to 17 years old and now, children between 12 year to 14 year old are also eligible to take the Wuhan virus vaccine.

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