The Wuhan virus also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases are declining in Andhra Pradesh. On the evening of the 8th of February, Tuesday, the State confirmed 1,679 fresh Coronavirus cases taking the total tally to  23,08,622  cases across the state.

In addition, the Andhra Pradesh Health Department confirmed  2 deaths and  9,598 new recovered/discharged cases. With this, there are 22,47,824 recoveries and 14,679 death cases due to the Wuhan virus till date. Also, with the new cases there are currently 46,119 active cases.

According to district wise data, East Godavari district reported 350 new infections, followed By Krishna 229 Guntur 212 while Vizianagaram has logged the least cases with 11 new cases in the last 24 hours.

The aforementioned cases were confirmed after conducting 27,522 tests for the Wuhan virus, taking the tally to 3.27 crores.

In addition to control the spread of the Wuhan virus, the Andhra Pradesh Government imposed a night curfew, in effect till the 14th of February.

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