Andhra Pradesh (A.P.,) on the 26th  of March, reported two new cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

On the 26th of March, two cases from Guntur and Krishna district were reported in Andhra Pradesh.

The two cases are of a 52 year old man from Krishna district who was in an event organised at a mosque of Nizamuddin in Delhi and the other one is from Guntur who travelled from Vijayawada on the 19th of March.  

Besides this, on the night of the 25th of March, a 25 year old man was tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus in Tirupati, increasing the number of infected persons to 8.

The man had a travel history from London  and came back to his home town on the 19th of March.  This 8th case came to light on the 25th of March after the test result came and the A.P., Health Department released a bulletin informing about the COVID-19 updates.   The family members of the patient, closed ones, neighbours and the cab driver who drove the man to his home from Chennai International Airport were asked to be quarantined for the next two weeks.

Gautam Sawang, the Director General of Police (DGP) of A.P., informed the A.P., Police registered 338 cases for violating the orders on total lockdown.

During the lockdown, the State Police seized 200 vehicles and its drivers for roaming on roads without a valid reason.   

DGP Sawang said, “The restrictions on account of the lockdown will only increase and we will deal very firmly with those who willfully violate the prohibitory orders.  It is only in public interest that the lockdown has been imposed.” 

The nationwide lockdown has been imposed till the 15th of April.

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