The Andhra Pradesh Government would procure Kharif paddy from the 20th of November in Srikakulam. 

Sumith Kumar, the Joint Collector of Srikakulam district, on the 4th of November, conducted a review meeting and discussed about the agriculture and crops this season.

During the meeting, Mr. Kumar spoke on preparations and arrangements with officials concerned at the Collector’s office.

Sumith Kumar explained this time, paddy purchase centres (PPCs) would be linked to Rythu Bharosa Kendras (RBK) at the village level.

According to sources, a total of 246 PPCs would be set up across the district to purchase paddy from the farmers.

The Joint Collector directed officials concerned to arrange computers, moisture testing machines, scanners and quality kits at PPCs by the 15th of November.

The early arrangements were set up to avoid last minute disturbances.

Mr. Kumar said both agriculture and civil supplies department officials need to jointly maintain PPCs without any irregularities. He also alerted officials about surprise checks to know the actual situation at the ground level.

The main agenda to arrange PPCs for the crops procurement is to eliminate middle men in between farmers and the agriculture department.

Yesterday’s meeting was attended by the Joint Director (Agriculture) K. Sridhar, District Manager for Civil Supplies A. Krishna Rao and other officials were present.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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