In Andhra Pradesh’s Krishna district, a wife killed her husband along with her children who could not bear the sufferings of her husband.  The incident occurred on the 30th of March, Thursday and was confirmed by police.

Getting into the details, Suresh from Vijayawada got married to a woman named Aruna thirty years ago and have two sons.  The elder son left home five years ago and became transgender and the younger son is studying Inter.  However, from a short time after their marriage, Suresh and Aruna had constant quarrels.  Suresh used to get drunk and quarrel with his wife whenever she would ask something.

Notably, five years ago when the eldest son of the couple, Vineet alias Roja became a transgender, the quarrels between them increased.  Suresh used to argue with her every time that he became a transgender due to making his elder son do things that girls do since childhood.  Vineet used to come home once in six months. Every time it happened, the quarrels between them did not stop.

As a result, Vineeth had a fight with his father when he came home on Thursday afternoon. Vineet beat his father and left. In the evening, Suresh again quarreled with his wife. Younger son Akash also intervened in this fight. Mother Aruna and son Akash beat Suresh and killed him. Later they called Suresh’s brother Ramesh and told that Suresh fell down and could not get up. When Ramesh came home, he saw his brother in disarray and filed a police complaint. The mother and son confessed that they had murdered Suresh. Currently, a case has been registered against both of them and investigation is underway.

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