In Andhra Pradesh, a tragic incident was reported on the 14th of March. In the Telugu State’s Prakasam district, an ambulance, carrying a patient, cuaght fire.

The 108 ambulance was carrying a patient for dialysis from Rajasahebpeta village to a hospital, when the ambulance caught fire. After covering some distance, driver Tirupati Rao noticed smoke in his cabin and immediately stopped the ambulance and alerted his colleague Madhusudhan Reddy. 

The latter helped the patient and his mother accompanying him to get down, and within no minutes, the ambulance caught fire, destroying tobacco worth Rs. 40 lakh, at a nearby shed. 

The fire, which apparently broke out due to a short circuit, soon spread to the entire vehicle. An oxygen cylinder kept in the ambulance exploded and under its impact some burning material of the vehicle fell on a nearby shed where farmers had stored tobacco. 

The police registered a case and launched an investigation.

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