Although the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) Government withdrew the Three Capitals Bill, farmers are continuing their protests, demanding Amaravati to be the only Capital of Andhra Pradesh.

It is to be noted, on the 22nd of November, Mr. Y.S. Jahan Mohan Reddy introduced a bill repealing the Three Capitals Bill. However, they made it clear that the decision was taken due to the legal terms and the YSRCP is committed towards three capitals.

The YSRCP Legislative Assembly said, new and comprehensive legislation for developing three state capitals would be introduced again with amendments. Fearing the same, farmers, villagers and women of Amaravati are determined to continue their protests.

Farmers of 29 villages of the Amaravati region, who had given 33,000 acres of land for the development of the state capital, have been protesting for more than 700 days now. They are now sticking to the protest and would continue until the State Government officially withdraws and announces to have only one capital, Amaravati.

Mr. G. Tirupathi Rao, theAmaravati JAC Committee Convenor said, “If the Government tables the Bills again, we may plan a state-wide padyatra to mobilise support for our just cause.

In addition, the Amaravati Joint Action Committee (JAC) and people of Amaravati entered the 24th day of the organised ‘Maha padyatra’ on Wednesday, the 24th of November. Currently the people are marching in Nellore district and would continue the padyatra till the 15th of December, covering 70 villages of Andhra Pradesh.

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