Amaravati: Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly speaker Tammineni Seetharam on Monday passed orders disqualifying 8 defected MLAs. Both Telugu Desam and YSRCP complained to the speaker of defected MLAs and sought action for anti-party activities.

The Speaker initiated enquiry and served notices to 8 MLAs upon receiving a complaint over defection. He conducted a few hearings and spoke to every single MLA personally. After detailed enquiry he took the opinion of legal experts. After giving proper time, the speaker Tammineni on Monday issued orders disqualifying MLAs.

YSRCP MLAs Undavalli Sridevi, Aanam Rama Narayana Reddy, Mekapati Chandrasekhar Reddy, Kotamreddy Sridhar Reddy were suspended. TDP MLAs Maddali Giridhar, Vallabhaneni Vamshi Mohan, Karanam Balaram and Vasupalli Ganesh were disqualified after verifying the proofs submitted by the party president.  

Ganta Srinivasa Rao who submitted resignation in speaker format a couple of years ago opposing the proposed privatization of Vizag steel plant was approved recently. The Speaker said that due procedure was followed while disqualifying MLAs.



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